40 Before 40

When Harry Met Sally…

Sally: [Crying hysterically] And I’m going to be 40!
Harry: When?
Sally: Someday!
Harry: In eight years!
Sally: But it’s there! It’s like a big dead end!

I can’t afford a Harley so here’s my mid-life crisis, 40 challenges to be completed before my 40th birthday in March 2018, so less than two years away. Sally had it easy!

Some are more challenging than others, but they’ve all been chosen because they will stretch me in different ways. Whether it’s learning a new skill, testing my commitment, trying something I’ve always shied away from or finally doing something I’ve always fancied, this list doesn’t contain any easy options.

If you can help with any of them or would like to get involved, that’s brilliant! It’s my list, but the more it is a shared experience the more I am going to get from it, so please join in.

  1. parkrun in 40 different locations – completed on 27th January 2018, see details HERE
  2. Run every street in Cheltenham
  3. Compete in a World Championships
  4. Jump between Adam and Eve on the top of Tryfan – Read about my experience HERE
  5. Qualify as a running coach – Qualified October 2016! Read more HERE
  6. Increase my income by at least £3k a year
  7. Climb twice a week for 6 weeks
  8. Go vegetarian for 30 days – Done, sort of! Update HERE
  9. Swim twice a week every week for 6 weeks
  10. Take a stranger for dinner and learn about their life
  11. Record a podcast
  12. Write and publish a story of at least 10,000 words
  13. Learn to canoe – Beginners course starts 19th May!
  14. Skip for 2 minutes unbroken
  15. Take a yoga class
  16. Do sun salutations every morning for 30 days
  17. Compete in a bike race
  18. Work with a life coachonline coaching begins 26th April!
  19. Run another ultra distance event (at least 40 miles)
  20. Attempt an eating challenge (Grillstock?)
  21. Interview 10 people for “Who James Met Running
  22. Learn and practice harmonica every day for 30 days
  23. Solo wild camp on a mountain
  24. Sit and watch a sunrise
  25. Sit and watch a sunset
  26. Take a week long holiday that doesn’t revolve around anything (no races or festivals!)
  27. See a West End show
  28. Send 10 handwritten postcards/letters
  29. Memorise the poem “If…
  30. Get a tattoo
  31. Buy a bespoke tailored suit
  32. Compete at an obstacle race (and that’s compete, not complete)
  33. Start a conversation with 10 strangers in one day
  34. Make a piece of furniture from scratch
  35. Take singing lessons
  36. Get to the top of a hill every day for 30 days
  37. Go 30 days without television/social media
  38. T.B.C.
  39. T.B.C.
  40. Write a blog post for every one of the 39 challenges